31:[1,#b],81:[1,#b],112:[1,#b],141:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Progress" - 2/16/93 - ACT ONE 17. 26 CONTINUED: (3) MULLIBOK (depressed now) I know. KIRA With respect... you are only three people. This project will benefit thousands... hundreds of thousands. MULLIBOK I made myself unconcerned with all of that forty years ago when I ran away from a Cardassian labor camp on your precious Bajor. KIRA What we're trying to create now is what you weren't allowed to have then. It can be your Bajor, too. MULLIBOK This is where I live. This is my home. KIRA You'll have a home on Bajor... and people who'll welcome you and your friends. Life'll be different, yes. But it'll be fine... really. MULLIBOK No it won't. I told you; my life is here. I'll die if I leave. (beat) I'd rather die here. Off Kira's reaction, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE