71:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 101 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) - DAY THREE 102 OMITTED 102A INT. PROMENADE - THE TURBOLIFT The doors open and Sisko and Varis step out, on their way to another round of negotiations. SISKO Nervous? VARIS Not at all. (admission) Maybe a little. Do you think Woban will accept my proposal? SISKO It's very possible. It does give the Navot back their land. VARIS And free trade access to both sides of the river would mean a lot to my people. SISKO (smiling) It's a reasonable compromise. 102B ANGLE QUARK'S Jake, Nog and Odo are waiting for them by the entrance. JAKE (to Varis) We thought we'd wish you good luck with your meeting. VARIS (touched) Thank you. She leans over and kisses Nog on his cheek. VARIS For all your help.