DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/11/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 96 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) Sure enough the sparkling energy light begins flying up toward the Dal'Rok. 96A ANGLE O'BRIEN AND BASHIR (OPTICAL) reacting to the arrival of the lights. O'BRIEN It's about time. 97 ANGLE THE PLATFORM Hovath is gaining confidence by the second. HOVATH The Dal'Rok is a fearsome enemy. The mountains shake with its fury. But our prosperity is its misery. Our unity is its vulnerability. Our strength is its doom. (a beat) Look... the Dal'Rok trembles. It fears our strength. It fears our determination. It knows it cannot stand against us. 98 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The lights close around the Dal'Rok, shutting it from view. A beat and then the energy display fades back into the night. 99 ANGLE THE PLATFORM HOVATH There... see for yourselves, the Dal'Rok is defeated. The village is safe for another year. CROWD The Sirah... Sirah. 100 ANGLE O'BRIEN AND BASHIR as the villagers cheer their new Sirah. O'Brien removes the ceremonial robe and lays it on to the platform. Then he grabs Bashir and leads him away.