DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FIVE 52-53. 85A ANGLE ON BASHIR Silently rooting him on. 85B BACK TO O'BRIEN No choice but to go for it. O'BRIEN ...hungry. But... the village is prepared to fight. 86 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The Dal'Rok keeps coming. But there's no sign of the sparkling energy lights. 87 ANGLE BASHIR AND HOVATH HOVATH Something's wrong. BASHIR What's wrong is O'Brien's not the Sirah. You are. 88 ANGLE O'BRIEN fiddling with the bracelet as he tries again. O'BRIEN The village is strong... and powerful... and unafraid... to face the Dal'Rok. 89 ANGLE THE SKY (OPTICAL) The lights still haven't made an appearance. The Dal'Rok is almost overhead. 90 ANGLE BASHIR AND HOVATH The doctor is giving the kid the full court press. BASHIR Did you ever think maybe the Sirah planned all this?