DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT FIVE 48. 77 CONTINUED: VARIS I want you to know Commander, that I take complete responsibility for what happened in the security office. SISKO I think there's more than enough blame to spread around. Jake should have known better. VARIS I'm afraid he and Nog were just trying to impress me. SISKO That's not much of an excuse. VARIS Didn't you ever do anything foolish to impress a girl? Sisko has to concede the point. SISKO I may have. VARIS Jake's a nice boy. So's Nog, in his own way. I enjoy their company. SISKO I suppose you don't get much of a chance to be with people your own age. VARIS True. But that's not why I wanted to be with them. (off Sisko's reaction) I wanted to learn about you. Sisko can't help but be impressed. Beneath all the bad attitude, this is one savvy girl. SISKO And... ?