DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 63 CONTINUED: Nog isn't about to say. 64 SISKO'S POV as he spots Odo in the doorway with Jake and Varis. 65 ANGLE SISKO HOLD on his surprised reaction. 66 EXT. SPACE - THE PLANET BAJOR (OPTICAL) 67 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY Bashir watches O'Brien check the damaged building with his tricorder. O'BRIEN There's some residual neutrino levels in the microstructure of the building material. BASHIR But if the Dal'Rok has no physical substance, how can it leave a neutrino trace? O'BRIEN I didn't say it made sense. But this wall didn't just spontaneously blow itself to pieces. BASHIR Lucky for us, you were able to stop it before it did anymore damage. O'BRIEN All I did was repeat what the Sirah told me. BASHIR All right, then how did the Sirah stop it?