DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 58 thru OMITTED 59 60 INT. PROMENADE - THE REPLIMAT as Jake, Nog, and Varis arrive. Nog looks inside the Security Office, then motions to the others to wait for him. Before Jake can protest, Nog disappears into an alcove near the Security Office. VARIS (to Jake) I still don't understand what's so funny about a bucket. JAKE Odo lives in it. Off Varis's surprised expression... JAKE (continuing) He's a shape-shifter. Every sixteen hours he has to change back to his original form. VARIS Inside a bucket? JAKE He turns into some kind of liquid. 60A THEIR POV The Security doors open. Nog stands inside. Waves them over. 61 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Jake and Varis join Nog inside the semi-dark office. JAKE (to Nog) Maybe this isn't such a good idea. NOG (ignores the warning) Watch the front door. I'll be right back.