DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - 2/02/93 - ACT THREE 27. 42 OMITTED 43 INT. QUARK'S Not very crowded. Kira ENTERS and sits down at the bar. Quark hurries over. QUARK Major, what a pleasant surprise. I always look forward to one of your infrequent visits. KIRA Spare me the small talk and get me a star drifter. Quark begins gathering the ingredients. QUARK So, how are the negotiations coming along? KIRA Better make it a double. Quark nods sympathetically. 44 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko studying a PADD. The door chimes. SISKO Come in. Varis ENTERS. VARIS You asked to see me. SISKO Please, sit down. Varis doesn't move. VARIS I just spent the last five hours sitting at a conference table. SISKO Yes, five long, unproductive hours. VARIS Woban is an obstinate fool.