DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/04/93 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Of course not. I'd simply prefer it if you called me by my first name. O'Brien considers a beat then... O'BRIEN (checking console) All right. We've achieved stable orbit around Bajor. We can beam down any time... Julian. And we notice just the slightest edge in his voice as he says the name. Bashir notices it as well. Hopes he's mistaken. 8 EXT. VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien MATERIALIZE in the middle of a plaza. A few villagers are cleaning up some debris. Nearby is a large raised platform. Bashir takes out his medical tricorder. Takes readings. BASHIR (re: tricorder) No sign of any airborne infections, the soil appears free of pollutants, and the ground water's clear of bacterial contamination. FAREN (O.S.) Gentlemen... 9 NEW ANGLE to include FAREN, a Bajoran official.