DEEP SPACE: "The Storyteller" - REV. 2/05/93 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR Commander, did the Magistrate give any indication regarding the nature of this medical emergency? SISKO (shaking his head) Only that his village was in danger of extinction. BASHIR In that case we better be on our way. Sisko and Kira enter the Turbolift. SISKO (to O'Brien) I agree. O'BRIEN Yes, Sir. SISKO (to comm) Docking port six. The Turbolift begins its descent. O'Brien and Bashir head for the door. BASHIR You know Chief, in a way I'm really looking forward to this mission. O'BRIEN Why's that? BASHIR I see it as a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know one another. As they EXIT out the door, O'Brien glances back at Sisko. He's not a happy camper. 4 INT. TURBOLIFT On Sisko and Kira.