DEEP SPACE: "Battle Lines" - REV. 1/25/93 - ACT FIVE 45. 64 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm thinkin' the only thing that could block out a transponder signal is a broad band damping field... and that would require a low altitude satellite system like this one... and then suddenly we're being scanned by these satellites and I'm thinking... DAX (finishing his thought) ... maybe they had something to do with our missing Runabout... O'BRIEN Exactly. (checking sensors, nods) See, they're putting out a mutual induction field that would block ninety-nine percent of all transmissions to and from the surface... DAX Is there any way for us to get a com line through the field? O'BRIEN I've got one percent to work with, don't I? Off her reaction... 65 EXT. MOON SURFACE Starting on the "dead" face of Shel-la... fallen beside Zlangco... Nima and the others (note - since these are hand weapons, this time the make-up must include wounds and blood)... coming to one Nol who is stirring and on his knees in pain... slowly the others begin to show vague signs of life as we move to find Sisko and Bashir studying the grisly scene... BASHIR The analysis is very clear. Once these microbes restore a body after death, that body becomes permanently dependent on them for all cellular functions...