DEEP SPACE: "Battle Lines" - 1/22/93 - ACT FOUR 39. 60 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I told them we'd transport them off this moon. BASHIR (casual humor, looking at the fire) Isn't that a bit like assisting a jailbreak? SISKO (tight) I don't need you to interpret the prime directive for me, Doctor. BASHIR I only meant... SISKO Whatever crimes they've committed have been paid for a hundred times over. They've been altered somehow and abandoned by their world... I believe the Federation would recognize them as separate and unique. BASHIR Yessir. I... should be checking on that analysis... He retreats back inside the Runabout... a beat later, Shel-la moves away from the pow-wow at the poles, motions Sisko forward... 61 ANGLE - BY THE FIREPOLES Shel-la and three lieutenants (including Nima) stand by one pole near to, but clearly separated from, Zlangco and three of his lieutenants who stand by the other pole... all are armed with a variety of hand weapons... knives, swords, tomahawks and the like... ZLANGCO So you are the leader of the aliens... SISKO Benjamin Sisko, Commander of a Federation space station... ZLANGCO Federation?