DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/13/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 75 CONTINUED: CRODEN He's coming about... (beat) ... powering his shields... (beat) ... his starboard photon bank is armed... ODO Computer, engage! The Runabout lurches... CRODEN COMPUTER VOICE He's firing photons! Impulse engines on line. 76 EXT. PLASMA FIELD (OPTICAL) The Runabout lurches out of frame as Ah-Kel's ship fires its photon torpedoes. Immediately, the environment around it ignites and consumes the Miradorn vessel. 77 EXT. SPACE - THE VORTEX (OPTICAL) The Runabout emerges from the Plasma Field followed by a tremendous billowing gas explosion as the field ignites. 78 INT. RUNABOUT The interior is rocked by the explosion... but it finally settles down... ODO (to the girl) Everybody back there in one piece? YARETH (shaky) Yes. ODO (to Croden) Good. Take us out of your precious vortex. Croden looks at Odo with appreciation as he takes over the controls. Odo leans back with relief.