DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/13/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 63 CONTINUED: CRODEN (desperate) Help me, there must have been a cave in... He runs over, starts to remove the heavy rocks... ODO (suspicious) What is it? CRODEN A stasis chamber. As Odo joins him, he can see through the rocks -- 64 ANGLE - CLOSER Through the clear (dusty) top, a young girl lays asleep... CRODEN My daughter. The only member of my family I could save. Odo reacts, looks at Croden, then despite his own anger, uses his superior strength to remove the larger heavy rocks blocking the casket from opening... Croden removes the locket and opens it... 65 INSERT - THE STONE (OPTICAL) morphs into the new shape... 66 RESUME As Croden inserts it into the lock... CRODEN It shapes itself to fit this lock. 67 BACK TO SCENE There is a HISSING SOUND as the vacuum seal of the casket is broken. The lid unlocks and the two men open it.