10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - 1/12/93 - ACT FIVE 44. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 61 EXT. ASTEROID (MATTE) The Runabout on the surface of the asteroid. The asteroid is gloomy and ill-lit from the heavy clouds of the Vortex. 62 INT. CAVE TUNNEL Croden ENTERS from the surface... moving with purpose, quickly... CRODEN (calling back outside) This way... He moves ahead... a beat later, Odo ENTERS... ever wary, looking around... ODO Slow down, Croden... stay where I can see you... Croden... Croden finally stops... ODO What's your hurry? What's in here? CRODEN I told you... the colony... But he is not so convincing now that he is anxious to move ahead... ODO (suspicious) Anxious to see them again are you... CRODEN Of course... A long beat as Odo studies him... takes his arm... starts to move him back toward the entrance... ODO Come on... Croden resists...