DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/21/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 51 CONTINUED: KIRA Miradorn vessel, you are in violation of Bajoran transit regulations... please return at once to the docking ring... O'BRIEN (shakes his head) They've increased power to their thrusters... SISKO On screen... 52 ANGLE (OPTICAL) - INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN the Miradorn vessel moves away from the outer ring and zips into the wormhole. On Sisko's reaction -- 53 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Runabout moves through space, approaching the Chamra Vortex, a swirling gas nebula stretching across the vastness of space. 54 INT. RUNABOUT Inside the Runabout, Croden and Odo look through the forward window at the Vortex (off screen). CRODEN You'd save time going through the Vortex. It's a long way around. A beat. Odo concentrates on business.