DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/13/93 - ACT THREE 27. 39 CONTINUED: CRODEN What does telling you get me? ODO Nothing. CRODEN Too bad. I thought you might feel sorry for me... seeing we're the only two here from the other side of the passage... ODO I feel nothing for you but contempt... you're a thief and a killer and who knows what else... CRODEN Typical. ODO Of "changeling" behavior... yes, I'm sure... He turns to leave, still holding the locket... CRODEN Excuse me... Odo turns and sees Croden holding out his hand... give me back the stone... Odo reacts, looks down at the stone and finds in himself a reluctance to give it up... but he quickly suppresses that, turns off the forcefield and as he hands it back to Croden... Croden maintains eye contact as he says intimately -- CRODEN In my sector, there is a nebula called the Chamra Vortex. There are millions of asteroids there. This "stone" came from one of them. I can take you to it, changeling. ODO Others must know where it is. CRODEN No. The Vortex is uncharted. But as a thief and a killer and who knows what else, I hid there often. I found this changeling colony by chance but... I know my way back...