DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/13/93 - ACT ONE 12. 16 CONTINUED: CRODEN On Rakhar, all crimes are serious... but there are no trials. SISKO (beat) It's a shame our first encounter with your species has to take place under these circumstances. CRODEN Sorry if I made things awkward. I didn't have much choice. SISKO Why not? CRODEN My needs exceed my skills. Now, if I had... (looks at Odo) ... his talents, I'd have no problems at all... I've never heard of a changeling with such versatility. Odo who has been only paying routine attention until now... looks up... ODO A what? CRODEN A changeling. Like you. ODO You've heard of other shape-shifters in the Gamma Quadrant? CRODEN Haven't they come through the wormhole yet? I assumed when I saw you... ODO He's lying. He heard me talking in the bar to Quark...