DEEP SPACE: "Vortex" - REV. 1/13/93 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: ODO Two people were killed on the transport this object was taken from... AH-KEL My brother and I purchased it from an Altoran trader... ODO His name... his ship's identification... AH-KEL (to Sisko) I am the one whose brother was killed, Commander... ODO You have only yourself to... Sisko holds up his hand and stops the exchange... SISKO I'd like you to return to your ship for now. You have my sympathies. But there may be more questions... Please don't leave the station. AH-KEL I want to deal with the one who killed my twin. SISKO The law will deal with him. Their eyes meet and lock in challenge. Ah-Kel moves to the door, pauses... AH-KEL My only purpose in life from here on is to see him dead. And he EXITS. QUARK Well, can't say I didn't warn you about Miradorns, Odo... I assume we're free to go... ? SISKO Have you got enough evidence to hold them, Constable?