DEEP SPACE: "The Nagus" - REV. 1/07/93 - ACT THREE 33. 40 OMITTED 41 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Zek, looking very relaxed, studies a PADD while Maihar'du serves him some more wine. Suddenly the door slides open and in races Quark. QUARK Nagus, I'm in desperate trouble. ZEK So am I, and please... call me Zek. (re: the PADD) Now which would you choose... Risa or Balosnee Six? QUARK I don't quite follow. ZEK For my vacation. My first in eighty- five years. I'm told on Balosnee the soothing harmonies of the tide can cause the most stimulating hallucinations... but when I think of those voluptuous Risian females... Gloating, he takes a sip of wine. QUARK Nagus... Please... Gral just threatened my life... ZEK (chuckling) So he's the first, is he? Well he won't be the last. QUARK But what am I to do? You picked me as your successor... surely you must have some advice... ZEK To survive, you must surround yourself with loyal men. QUARK That's good...