DEEP SPACE: "The Nagus" - REV. 1/07/93 - ACT TWO 23. 28 CONTINUED: NOG You mean like ethics? JAKE Yeah, and other stuff. NOG You don't understand. I'm a Ferengi - for me school is a waste of time. JAKE Why's that? NOG (angrily) Because there's no profit in it. Now Jake's getting annoyed. JAKE So why are you getting mad at me? NOG Because you're a stupid human. I don't know why I bother with you. He stomps away. JAKE I'm stupid. You're the one not goin' to school. (a beat) See if I care. He leans over the railing. Broods. 29 INT. QUARK'S The conference continues. ZEK And lastly, I would like to salute Nava, whose takeover of the Arcybite mining refineries in the Clarius system is now complete. Nava acknowledges the crowd. ZEK Gentlemen, I congratulate you all. Profits are better than ever...