DEEP SPACE: "The Nagus" - REV. 1/07/93 - TEASER 6. 11 CONTINUED: QUARK You found him. KRAX I am Krax... and this is my father... Grand Nagus Zek. Maihar'du steps forward and removes the elderly Ferengi's cowl, revealing a shrewd, wizened face surrounded by the most enormous pair of ears this side of Dumbo. Both Quark and Rom stare in awe. ROM (a whisper) It really is him. Quark elbows Morn in the stomach to silence his laughter. Then moves forward and kisses the handle of Zek's cane. QUARK (to Krax) Tell me, is the Grand Nagus here on business or pleasure? KRAX Is there a difference? QUARK No, of course not. KRAX My father will reveal the purpose of his visit when he sees fit. As for now, he desires the use of a Holosuite. He's heard that some of your programs are quite... alluring.