DEEP SPACE: "The Nagus" - REV. 1/07/93 - TEASER 5. 8 CONTINUED: ROM Is this what they teach you at that human school of yours? Sloth and indolence... NOG No, father. ROM We'll see about that. Tonight you'll polish every rail in the place until they sparkle. Is that clear? NOG Yes, father. Tonight, every rail. Nog picks up his school PADD and heads for the hills. 9 INT. PROMENADE Krax, Zek and Maihar'du continue their inexorable journey. 10 INT. QUARK'S Quark is at the bar with Morn and some human and Bajoran customers. QUARK ... And so the Andorian says... "your brother? I thought it was your wife"... (no response) Get it... "wife!" Now the laughter comes. Morn will continue to shake with mirth throughout the scene. QUARK Had to think about that one, didn't you? 11 ANGLE KRAX, ZEK AND MAIHAR'DU as they make their way over to the bar. KRAX I'm looking for Quark.