11:[5,#b],18:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Nagus" - REV. 1/07/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Nagus" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 2 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR - MORNING The door opens, out steps a Ferengi, KRAX. Tough, authoritative, arrogant. He checks the corridor. Satisfied that no danger lurks, he gestures back into the airlock. Out steps ZEK, an ancient hunched-over Ferengi, features mysteriously obscured by a hooded cloak. In one hand he clutches the supporting arm of Maihar'du, a tall bald humanoid alien. In his other hand, he carries a staff, the handle of which is a smiling Ferengi head made of gold-press latinum. Together Krax and Maihar'du help maneuver the old fellow slowly down the corridor. 3 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - JAKE'S ROOM JAKE is hurrying to get ready for school. He's sitting on his bed, putting on his shoes, when SISKO ENTERS from the living room grinning with anticipation. SISKO Hey Jake, I've got a terrific surprise for you. JAKE (smiling) Oh yeah, what is it? SISKO The two of us are going to Bajor... for the start of the Gratitude Festival. JAKE What's the Gratitude Festival? SISKO It's the biggest Bajoran holiday of the year. Major Kira says it's pretty spectacular.