134:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/07/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 62 CONTINUED: FALOW Choose their path. ODO No. This game is finished. Right now. FALOW Stop the game. Lose your players. QUARK Odo, just stay out of this. ODO Quark.. QUARK I'm doing fine. They're doing fine. FALOW Choose their path. Double their peril. Double your winnings. Quark hesitates just slightly... ODO Quark! QUARK Fine. Fine. The safer path. Ad lib disappointed reactions from the Wadi... more sticks are exchanged... FALOW Roll. The Wadi clink their sticks together as Quark rolls again... all three of the dice come up with the same symbol -- the one we will learn represents Bashir. The Wadi gasp... FALOW An unfortunate roll. 63 INT. LABYRINTH BASHIR Isn't it a matter of simply figuring out how to win this game...