12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/09/92 - ACT FOUR 36. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 58 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 59 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) Odo and Primmin study monitors... ODO Wouldn't your scans pick up human life signs on their ship? PRIMMIN Usually... but we've never run into Wadi technology before... ODO (reacts to something he sees) Isolate that energy flux on their second deck... Primmin presses some panels... PRIMMIN Some kind of intense bi-polar current... ODO What would cause something like that? Primmin shakes his head, never seen anything like that... PRIMMIN Got me. Only thing we've got that would put out that type of current would be a Transporter... but a Transporter burst would only last for a few seconds... ODO I think we better go take a look... PRIMMIN Now, hold on, Odo... you can't just go storming onto their ship without their permission...