DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/07/92 - ACT THREE 29. 38 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I'm busy... ODO (frowns) Yes. I can see. When was the last time you saw Sisko? QUARK (impatient) Last night when he went home to bed. ODO Did he say anything to you... about leaving the station? QUARK Not a thing... Falow catches Quark's eye. It's time for action. FALOW Choose their path. QUARK Yes. Really, Odo... you'll have to... ODO He's missing... and so are Kira, Dax and Bashir... four officers have just disappeared... you're sure you have no idea... QUARK Why would I know anything about... (beat) Four? Did you say... "four" officers are missing? ODO Yes. Quark tries to dismiss the possibility but looks at Fallow... and then... 39 HIS POV - THE FOUR GAME PIECES FALOW (O.S.) Double their peril. Double your winnings.