12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/07/92 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 27 INT. LABYRINTH - CONTINUOUS Confused, Sisko hits his combadge. SISKO Sisko to Ops... (a beat) Sisko to Security... No response. SISKO Computer, freeze program. (a beat) End program. Exit. Nothing changes. Sisko tries to make some sense of his surroundings. He has a tricorder and uses it... but it reveals nothing. He runs his hand over the colored markings on the wall, there's something vaguely familiar about them. Moves down the corridor... examines the first door marked, as each door is, with a specific symbol. There is some sort of electric padd and he tries pressing it. Nothing happens. He tries the door. It won't budge. He moves quickly down the corridor and tries the same futile exercise on the next door. And crosses to do it again on a door on the opposite side. His rage and pace building with each new failure. And he goes to a fourth door and because we expect it to fail, it's a shock when it sharply opens to reveal Falow. SISKO You. FALOW Shap two. Move along. Move along home. SISKO What is this place? Where have you brought me? FALOW Move along home. The door slides sharply shut. SISKO Falow!