DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/09/92 - ACT ONE 15. 23 CONTINUED: No one answers. Falow holds four oddly shaped onyx figurines in his hand. FALOW These are your players. (a beat) We'll start them on the second shap. There's a flurry of excitement amongst the Wadi. They get out their klon peags and begin side wagers... exchanging sticks... WADI CROWD (ad lib, betting) Second shap... Aga... Aga... Aga... Latuno... Ferengi... Nadu... Nadu... Chula... Nadu... Chula... The stakes are high. They make bets on the outcome as Falow sets up the board. (NOTE: Some will bet with Quark and others against.) QUARK (trying to comprehend) Second shap? Can't we start at the beginning? FALOW Only children enter at the first shap. 24 CLOSE ON THE GAME BOARD Falow places the four figurines on the second purple triangle. (NOTE: The pieces move from this starting point down to the finish, on the outermost edge) 25 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON SISKO in bed, sound asleep. He, stirs, shifts positions, turning onto his side and... 26 INT. ALIEN LABYRINTH - CLOSE ON SISKO ... he rolls onto a hard stone floor, waking up, fully dressed in standard uniform. WIDEN as Sisko stands, struggling to orient himself.