12:[2,#b],16:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/07/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode titles fall over opening scenes.) 9 INT. QUARK'S ESTABLISHMENT - FULL ON SCENE Falow and his fellow Wadi surround the spinning dabo wheel. They're merely observers at this point... animatedly discussing the game amongst themselves. Much bustle abounds... shouts of "Dabo!" from sundry low-lifes and high rollers. As the Wadi size up the table, Kira and Bashir accompany them while... 10 ANGLE AT BAR - QUARK flanked by Sisko and Dax. QUARK Do they have money? DAX We don't know... we didn't ask... SISKO And that's not the point... QUARK It may not be your point, but it's mine. SISKO Dammit, Quark, this is a new lifeform from the Gamma Quadrant... I expect you to treat them with... QUARK (interrupting) Commander, I am a host. A host is an ambassador of good will. The more good will I can generate, the longer they'll stay... the greater my profits. I think you and I are talking the same language here... SISKO Not quite. QUARK Allow me to put your concerns to rest.