190:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Move Along Home" REV. 12/09/92 - TEASER 5. 7 ANGLE - BASHIR & DAX Out of the corner of his mouth, whispering to her -- BASHIR I'll have the clothier Garak make me a new one by tonight... DAX I'm not sure it's appropriate to have a Cardassian tailor make your Starfleet uniform, Julian... maybe the replicator... The airlock door slides open and... 8 ANGLE REVEALING THE WADI Six tall humanoids EMERGE from the hatchway. We're struck by their appearance - eyes and faces embellished with markings resembling hieroglyphs. Their costumes are simple and will later be enhanced by various overgarments and accessories. Their leader, FALOW, steps forward giving Sisko an appraising stare. Forming a triangle with his hands, Falow touches his forehead - obviously a Wadi form of greeting. FALOW I am Falow, Master Surchid of the Wadi. SISKO Welcome in the name of Bajor and the United Federation of Planets. I am Commander Benjamin Sisko. On behalf of the senior members of my staff... (indicating) ... Major Kira, Lieutenant Dax and Doctor Bashir... FALOW (interrupting) Yes... yes... now where are the games? SISKO Games? FALOW We were told you have games. An aide whispers in Falow's ear... Falow nods...