DEEP SPACE: "The Passenger" REV. 12/01/92 - ACT FIVE 47. 56 INT. OPS Reactions. With urgency -- SISKO Can you get a Transporter lock on him? PRIMMIN (pressing panels, at O'Brien's station) Negative. Their shields are up. SISKO (to the group) Suggestions... ? KIRA A small ship like a Runabout might be able to get close enough to overload their shield generators with directed phaser fire... we used to do it to Cardassian freighters all the time... ODO But you'd be risking a hull breach... and with all the deuridium on board... SISKO He's right... we can't risk releasing deuridium into this system... every populated area would have to be evacuated... (beat) Dax... is there any way to disrupt Vantika's control over Bashir? Moving to her station and already beginning to work... DAX I have an exact model of Vantika's neural energy patterns. If I can design an electromagnetic pulse to disrupt those patterns, Julian might emerge... But we still need a way to get it there. SISKO What if we send it right along the tractor beam... at the same frequency as their shields... ?