DEEP SPACE: "The Passenger" REV. 11/30/92 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: (2) ODO Tell that to him. SISKO I already have. ODO Who's in charge. SISKO (beat) In joint operations like this one, you are. ODO I can live with that arrangement. And he EXITS. Sisko almost smiles. 24 INT. LAB (VPB) Sisko ENTERS... SISKO What have you got, Dax? DAX Not exactly sure, yet. I finished the sweep of Kajada's ship... no anomalous readings but I did notice one odd thing... SISKO What's that? DAX Somebody tried to break into the ship's cargo bay. SISKO Since it's been docked? DAX (acknowledges) Kira confirmed that there was no damage to the cargo area when they brought it in. SISKO What do you think they were after? DAX This, maybe...