DEEP SPACE: "The Passenger" REV. 11/30/92 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: KAJADA Where's his body? BASHIR I have it in stasis. KAJADA I want to see it. BASHIR Later, when you're feeling stronger... KAJADA Now. Bashir reacts and... TIME CUT TO: 9 INT. STASIS ROOM - A BODY CABINET (OPTICAL) Vantika has been laid out on the shelf... Bashir hits a button... the shelf slides out of the wall and a stasis forcefield ZAPS off. BASHIR The preliminary examination indicated that the subject died of a massive respiratory failure, brought on by the pulmonary trauma suffered in the fire. KAJADA Are you sure it's the same body? BASHIR (a little surprised at the question) Quite certain. It's been sealed in here ever since our arrival. She picks up a small laser penlight, looks in his eyes... KAJADA Have you run a retinal imaging scan? BASHIR What for... ?