115:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/20/92 - ACT FIVE 57. DAX There's much of Curzon that's still a part of me. That still remembers what you had together. ENINA (shakes her head) But it was Curzon Dax who swore himself to silence to preserve the memory of General Tandro... Not Jadzia. DAX I felt it was important to keep that promise. The General's memory is cherished by your people... ENINA (sad reflection) And it will continue to be. No one will ever know he was the one who tried to betray us... and that the rebels killed him for the favor. (Beat) As for you, I ask only one further kindness... DAX Of course. ENINA Live, Jadzia Dax. Live a long, and fresh and wonderful life. Enina runs her palm gently down along Dax's cheek... Turns... walks away. Dax watches her depart a beat... touches her own hand to the cheek caressed by Enina... 98A INT. PROMENADE - LOWER LEVEL Bashir at the door of the Infirmary, looks over and sees Dax coming down the stairs... moves over to her... 99 CLOSE - DAX BASHIR Are you all right?