DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT FIVE 56. ENINA (to Renora) Madame Arbiter, Curzon Dax is accused of having made a transmission to the enemy that betrayed my husband. But I know where Curzon was at the exact time that transmission was made. (beat) He was in my bed... with me. 93 ON DAX Anguished for Enina. 94 SISKO Much relieved. 95 TANDRO Thunderstruck. The strength leaving his legs, he slips slowly back into his seat. 96 RENORA RENORA Mister Tandro, I think you'll want to re-examine your extradition request. Until then... this hearing is adjourned. And she punctuates that with a bang of her ball-gavel. 97 FAVORING QUARK He shrugs -- the philosophical loser -- and punches out the bad news on his calculator PADD -- as the Ferengi Waiter, the Dabo Girl and Morn converge on him... obscuring him from our further view, during: QUARK Calm yourselves; all bets'll be paid... An orderly line, please...