DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT FIVE 51. 85 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Then what is it that's holding you back? Help me. She goes silent again and Sisko loses it... raises a fist... SISKO Dammit, if you were still a man... DAX (calm, straight) I see your temper hasn't improved... SISKO Don't talk to me about my temper... DAX Curzon always warned you about it... SISKO You're not going to get me off track here... DAX Do you remember that Argosian lieutenant who threw a drink in your face... SISKO (beat, pauses, grins) ... And you knocked me down with a right cross before I could kill him... I still have a little scar here from your ring finger... He shows her his chin... as she touches it... DAX I tried that ring on after Curzon died... it slipped right off my finger... Their eyes connect... she turns back inward...