DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 82 ON SISKO, KIRA & DAX Sisko and Kira worried; Dax continuingly passive. A SUPERNUMERARY ENTERS with a PADD, hands it during the below to Kira... SISKO (to Dax) If you won't defend yourself, you're not going to testify. KIRA (to Sisko) It's a hearing, not a trial. She has no choice. Sisko and Kira both regard her -- but Dax remains silent; distant. KIRA (continuing, re: the PADD, to Sisko) Odo's on subspace... It's urgent. Off Sisko's reaction... 82A INT. SISKO'S OFFICE - INCLUDING MONITOR (OPTICAL) Again, Odo on the screen conferring with Sisko. ODO I've made some progress. SISKO Good. ODO Not good. (off Sisko's reaction) Since the transmission to the enemy is the key evidence, I thought it might be a good idea to go through all the communications logs from headquarters during that period... I even found Curzon Dax's records... SISKO You can't tell me Curzon would log in a communique to the enemy...