DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 72 CONTINUED: RENORA You know where the witness chair is. SISKO With your permission, Major Kira will direct the questions. Sisko sits as Kira moves forward... KIRA Tell us a little about Curzon Dax, Commander. SISKO He probably wasn't the ideal Trill. He drank a little too much; he could be more interested in women than maybe he should've been... KIRA (feigned surprise) I thought he was your friend. SISKO My point is simply that he was not at all like the young woman in this courtroom. KIRA What exactly was your relationship with Curzon Dax? With an eye toward Dax... SISKO He took a raw, young Ensign under his wing and taught me to appreciate life in ways I'd never thought about before... he taught me about art and science and diplomacy... whatever sense of honor I may have today, he nurtured... treason, murder -- he wasn't capable of those things. TANDRO As you've already said, Commander, this is not a trial...