20:[1,#b],28:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 66 CONTINUED: BASHIR (determined to get his testimony out) What is relevant, sir... is my analysis of the brain waves of Curzon and Jadzia Dax... Sisko hands Renora a PADD which she examines... SISKO Madame Arbiter... BASHIR As you can see, they are distinctly different... clearly illustrating that Curzon and Jadzia are two unique individuals. Done, satisfied... he takes a breath and smiles warmly toward Jadzia... 67 ON DAX Understanding his affection and anxiousness to help her, Dax returns his smile nicely -- if wanly -- during: SISKO Thank-you, Doctor. 68 RESUME Tandro moves forward... TANDRO Doctor, I've looked through your research myself... it's quite impressive work for such a young man... BASHIR (guarded) Thank you. TANDRO As a layman, there are obviously things I don't fully understand... BASHIR I'll be happy to explain anything you wish...