DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 32B-33. 59 CONTINUED: (2) ODO He's gone. (she reacts) The Dax your son is trying to extradite is "Jadzia Dax"; a twenty- eight year old woman. Curzon Dax died two years ago. Jadzia's the new host. ENINA (reacts but covers well) I'm sorry. I didn't... know. Odo nods and EXITS and we stay a beat on Enina... 59A EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Re-Establishing. 60 INT. QUARK'S - ON QUARK, MORN & FERENGI WAITER Quark's been standing near the entrance -- away from the (o.s.) proceedings -- taking surreptitious bets from among the various Onlookers. He uses his small Ferengi PADD as a kind of calculator... as he now takes the bet of his Ferengi Waiter, with: QUARK Odds are four to one against her. (afterthought) And let me say that's very fair. As Morn arrives to drop several gold pieces into Quark's upturned palm: