DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/17/92 - ACT THREE 32A. 59 CONTINUED: ODO It might help my people to know what they are... ENINA There's proof of a secret transmission that was sent from military headquarters to the enemy camp. It identified the exact route my husband was taking from the capitol back to the front. That's when he was ambushed and kidnapped... a short time later, he was killed. ODO Then your son must believe that Dax made that transmission... ENINA (acknowledges) There were only five people including my husband who knew the route. My son's been able to establish the whereabouts of all of them at the time of the transmission... all of them except Curzon. ODO So, Dax has no alibi. ENINA That can't possibly be enough to convict him, can it? Odo takes a thoughtful beat... ODO I don't know. (rises) Thank you. You've been helpful. He starts to leave... as a casual afterthought... ENINA How is he? ODO Ma'am? ENINA Curzon Dax.