39:[1,#b],162:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 20. 47 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (reflexively starts to explain) Benjamin... (stops herself; beat) ... If you don't mind... I'd prefer being alone right now. SISKO (exiting) There is one thing I'd charge you with... (stops; faces her for emphasis) ... Acute stubbornness. (finishes EXITING) Dax is left alone again. She reaches over... turns off the light... sits again in the darkness. SLOWLY MOVE IN on her FACE. HOLD for a beat, before: 48 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE Sisko, with Kira alongside, faces Tandro. TANDRO You've received your confirmation, Commander; now we'd like to be on our way with the prisoner. Throughout the following, Sisko's demeanor will -- despite his words -- remain most pleasant... most conversational. SISKO You know, Mister Tandro... I kept wondering why you tried to kidnap Lieutenant Dax, rather than just present your warrant to me in the proper way. I couldn't figure that out at first. TANDRO I trust you have figured out, Commander, that our extradition treaty with your Federation is current and valid. SISKO This station is technically Bajoran.