87:[1,#b],124:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/17/92 - ACT TWO 19. 47 CONTINUED: His frustration growing, Sisko paces, with: SISKO Are you crazy? Treason and murder. On Klaestron Four, either of those gets you the death penalty. (faces her squarely) What's the matter with you! Talk to me before I have to let these people take you. DAX (quiet resignation) No. I'm sorry, Benjamin, but... no. Sisko will try another tack. He sits, and: SISKO (quietly) We've got eighteen or twenty years of friendship behind us. DAX I'm Jadzia Dax now. It was Curzon Dax you knew for twenty years. SISKO So when the Dax part of you survived from one host to the next, it really didn't take our friendship along. DAX Benjamin, you know you're still my very dear friend. I just... won't talk about this; I'm sorry. Sisko rises again... Not much more to be said here... Except: SISKO (gentle conviction) Well, whether you're Curzon Dax or Jadzia Dax, I'm not going to believe for one second that you've ever committed murder, or treason.