109:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/17/92 - ACT ONE 14. 40 INT. OPS KIRA (smiles) Gotcha. And now it's Sisko EXITING toward the Turbolift, during: SISKO Bring it in to docking port six, Major. 41 OMITTED 42 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Sisko, Odo and two weapons-ready N.D. Bajoran Deputies and a Starfleet Security Guard stand facing the closed airlock. Beat... the hatch opens... Tandro is the first to step out. ODO Slowly! Extremities where I can see them. TANDRO (unphased) You're the Chief of security? Dax appears behind Tandro... ODO (to Dax) Are you all right? DAX nods, as: TANDRO My name is Ilon Tandro... 43 CLOSE REACTION - DAX Stunned -- as she obviously recognizes both the name, and: TANDRO (O.S.) (Cont'd) ... Special envoy from Klaestron Four... I'm in charge of this extradition procedure... From this point, and after digesting her initial shock, Dax's expression and demeanor literally "shut down."