DEEP SPACE: "Dax" - 11/18/92 - ACT ONE 7. 19 INT. CORRIDOR ONE Bashir GROANS and stirs... rolls over... makes it to his hands and knees, shaking his head to clear it. Then: BASHIR (taps combadge) Bashir... to Ops... Even as he's speaking, Bashir notices Dax's combadge on the deck nearby. He starts reaching for it, as we go to: 20 INT. OPS Everybody as we just saw them. KIRA (casual Response) Ops. 21 INT. CORRIDOR ONE - INTERCUT WITH OPS (AS DESIRED) Bashir now holds, and stares down at, Dax's Combadge. BASHIR (still groggy) ... Three people... I think they just took Jadzia. She was struggling with them, and I tried to help, but... I don't know, I'm... Odo moves instantly forward toward a separate console, during: SISKO Full station security alert; secure all Turbolifts; seal off airlocks to levels four through twelve... Computer, locate Lieutenant Dax. COMPUTER Lieutenant Dax is on Level Six, Corridor One. BASHIR No, that's where I am... They only left her combadge here...