132:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT FIVE 62. 75 CONTINUED: (3) VASH (a friendly smile) God, I hope not. A beat. Q smiles in understanding and DISAPPEARS. Quark rejoins her. VASH So Quark, what's the quickest way to Tartaras Five? Vash and Quark exchange a knowing grin and walk off together, speaking inaudibly as they plot strategy. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 75A ANGLE ON DAX who watches Vash and Quark EXIT. Dax shakes her head with a bemused expression. She finishes her coffee and gets up to go, almost running into... 75B BASHIR who has just entered the bar. BASHIR (yawning) I feel like I've slept for days. (a beat) Did I miss something? And on Dax's smile... 75C EXT. SPACE - DS9 And... FADE OUT. THE END