DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/12/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 63 OMITTED 64 INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Lighting normal. Quark holds up a lovely multi-colored alien necklace. QUARK Sold to Rul the Obscure for a hundred and fifty-one latinum bars. (a beat) And now, our final item. And I think you'll agree with me it was well worth the wait. Vash opens the metal box and shows the Geode to an appreciative crowd. QUARK (continuing, confident) Bidding will start at two hundred bars of gold press latinum. One of the cloaked figures nods. QUARK (continuing) Two hundred. Can I get two fifty? Two fifty. Three hundred anyone? Kolos raises three fingers. QUARK (continuing) Three hundred bars. The bidding continues at a rapid-fire pace.