69:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 62 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (inspired) Wait a minute... of course... (to O'Brien) Bring the reactors back on line... O'BRIEN The reactors? But they'll just feed more energy to the graviton field. DAX (certain) If we generate enough energy, it should create a power drain big enough to trace. KIRA It might also push us faster into the wormhole... a lot faster... SISKO It's a chance we've gotta take. (a beat) Bring us to full power, Mister O'Brien. Everything you've got. O'BRIEN (not totally convinced) Aye, sir. O'Brien makes the adjustments to his console. The lights come up and the station shakes as it gathers speed. Sisko and Dax remain focused on the monitor, hoping to find the answer in time.