DEEP SPACE: "Q-Less" REV. 11/10/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 48 CONTINUED: (2) O'Brien shoots Q a dirty look and goes about his business. Q (TO SISKO) Quite a motley crew you've assembled here, Benji. My advice is to evacuate now and save all this pointless guesswork. SISKO Q, either tell us what's going on or get the hell out of the way. Q I'll tell you what's going on. While you're conducting futile experiments, Vash is down below engaging in base commerce and setting Federation ethics back two hundred years. (one of the boys) Believe me, she's far more dangerous to you than I am. Q VANISHES and on the reactions, we cut to: 49 INT. QUARK'S The dabo table has been replaced by an auctioneer's podium. The bidders, Kolos, the three Cloaked Figures, and the jewel- bedecked Ferengi, are joined by two others - a second Ferengi and another N.D. Alien. The bidders are scattered about the room, some standing, some sitting, some just lounging against the bar. The two Ferengi stare daggers at each other from a distance. 50 ANGLE ON THE BAR As Kolos makes his way over to Quark and Vash. QUARK Kolos, my friend. I don't know which pleases me more, your smiling face or your overflowing purse.